Rikers Island's OG, YG Youth Mentoring Summit

Rikers Island Youthful Offender Program is designed to challenge the negative myths and misconceptions young people hold about who they are and their ability to achieve positive life outcomes.

The King of Kings Foundation staff engage those confined and expecting to be released from Rikers Island in talks related to their transition and reintegration back into their home communities. The Rikers Island Youthful Offender Program includes workshops, group and individual mentoring that aims to foster discussions inclusive of knowledge on how to troubleshoot everyday situations and resolve conflicts often associated with delinquency and criminal behavior. Discussions during workshops offered include information on how those gang-involved may disengage from associating with gangs, peer mediation, and de-escalation of conflict. Issues related to anger management, “talks I never had with other men,” substance use/abuse and clarifying values are also discussed by participants as these are gateway issues related to gang involvement. The Rikers Island Youthful Offender Program is staffed by former gang members who are trained urban specialists as authentic messengers to deliver its curriculum and messages, believing this approach has a greater probability of success in reaching our audiences. As part of our Rikers Island Youthful Offender Program, the Our OG/YG Summits are group meeting that include the influential leaders of each dormitory (housing) to engage all in collective conversations with Riker's Island Youth Offender Program personnel that are centered around methods and techniques related to climate control including de-escalate violence and conflict, hidden dangers of drugs/alcohol, clarification of values, and mentoring. The theme of the group meetings is “Talks I Never Had with Other Men.” The serving of meals creates a relaxed environment wherein potential rivals break bread together based upon the idea that it is difficult to remain adversaries when breaking bread together. To break bread is to https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=affirm affirm trust, confidence, and comfort with an individual or group of people. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Breaking%20bread Breaking bread creates friendliness and informality, derived from the original meaning regarding sharing a loaf. This approach works to develop trusting relationships between the mentees and (cultural influencers) mentors who provide consistent, nonjudgmental support, and guidance through workshops, group and individual mentoring that aim to promote discussions inclusive of knowledge on how to troubleshoot everyday situations and resolve conflicts often associated with delinquency and criminal behavior. These relationships also allow Riker's Island Youth Offender Program personnel to de-escalate violence and mediate conflict. The use of authentic messengers to deliver our curriculum increases the likelihood that participants will receive the lessons in a positive fashion and include those ideas when returning to their home communities and reduce rates of recidivism.